Assalamualaikum and hi everybody!
Haha you must be wondering where I've been for the past couple of months. Truth is I was super busy with SPM that I didn't get the chance to write anything on this dear blog of mine. Plus, there was really nothing to tell. My life was completely hectic just like any other SPM student. Endless classes form morning till evening, tuition, curricular activities, the never ending homework I received, reports, presentations basically all that "good" stuff. Alhamdulilah that is all over now and my senior year has completed. The sad thing is so is my high school life ;'(
I thought I would never miss school but I was wrong. All this time I have been complaining again and again about how busy I am all the time and how little did I have any free time to enjoy. I wanted a long long holiday where I could just do whatever I want and escape from all that "good" stuff. Well guess what? My wish has come true. I got what I wanted now. And let me tell you something, it isn't as fun and exciting as I thought it was. I mostly spend my time at home on the internet liking pictures on instagram and watching youtube videos by myself. Like how depressing is that? I am taking my driver's licence but I only go there sometimes. I had so much planned for the holidays but only a small amount has been done. The rest just went down the drain. My oh my, pray for me that it gets better will you? Anyways, I thought to myself, since I had all this free time why don't I start blogging again. Here I am, trying to avoid the awkwardness I had from leaving this blog. I more thing, can I ask you guys a small favour please please pray for me that my friends and
Nurul Najihah Bt Khairul Najmy will get 10A's for SPM
That would mean so much to me thank you. Well, till next byeee ;)